Importance of Family

While working at Canterbury Manor we get to know the residents and their families. It’s good to see family members stay involve in the daily lives of residents. We often see family come and go, taking residents out to run errands, to go to doctors’ appointments, to church on Sundays and to family gatherings.  We see the positive impact on residents when their loved ones visit. Visiting regularly helps prevents inactivity in the residents’ day to day lives. explains that increasing physical activity helps heart health, helps fight obesity, strengthens bones and helps with other medical conditions. And let’s add ~ good for emotional well-being.  Residents tend to be happier with frequent family visits.

According to when family provides support and help as needed, it’s shown to improve overall health. Both long- and short-term memory can be maintained longer when family involvement is present. Family can also improve quality of life, in turn that can result in better immune systems and increased life expectancy.

When it comes to needing hired care, family can assist caregivers as well. illustrates how family can help create a custom care plan for loved ones, such as, sharing preferences, dislikes, habits, life history or subtle cues that are important for quality care. These actions can create an environment that allows a senior to feel a purpose and belonging.  By providing this it gives seniors a sense of security. Having family around and someone to talk to seniors can express fears, worries and ask questions.

Staying connected with a loved one’s daily life, even if it’s a short phone call, gives residents something to look forward to.  It’s amazing the difference in attitude when a resident gets off the phone. It provides new topics to discussion and share with fellow residents and staff. Sharing exciting news about grandkids sporting events, new pregnancies, birthdays and job opportunities really do add to the quality of life.  Emotional, physical and mental health are aspects of life that need to continually be observed and noted. As people age into different stages of life who better than family to help keep loved ones as healthy as possible. Staying in touch with family is so important and can be beneficial to everyone involved. Sharing old memories and creating new memories is what family is all about.

So, if it’s been awhile since the last visit or call, perhaps today is the day to call or visit mom, dad, aunt, uncle, or the grandparents. Create a new memories today.