Starting a fitness routine in your 60s, 70s, and 80s

The benefits of exercising, even lightly, for older adults should not be taken for granted. Exercising can help with heart diseases, lower high blood pressure, and may have other benefits which can increase your quality of life. Even just a few minutes of daily activity can go a long way, no matter what your age.

The best way to get in to a regular fitness routine is to find an activity you enjoy doing. Whether it is a refreshing bicycle ride, a nice stroll, or swimming through a pool. Or, how about dancing? Whatever physical activity you find the most fulfilling will be the best one.

Of course, before you start any exercise routine, especially for seniors, you should talk to your doctor to figure out a plan to do so safely. Especially if you have any conditions involving your heart, bones, or breathing issues, these ailments absolutely need to be taken into account before jumping into a new fitness routine. Also don’t forget to stretch before you start in on any exercise, as a body that is not properly warmed up is more prone to injuries during the activities.

So grab some dumbbells, lace up your trainers and don’t forget to stretch. Staying fit and healthy should be a lifelong goal!