Symptoms of the Second Shot

By now, most of our residents here at Canterbury have gotten, or are scheduled to get, their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

For most people, any reaction to the first does is relatively light, typically easier on the body than most other vaccines. It is a smaller shot than the typical yearly flu shot, so any pain or soreness from it is usually less than what most people are used to, and not many people report more impactful side effects.

However, a few weeks later when people get their second dose, a response tends to be more pronounced. Headaches, fatigue, muscle aches and more, are common side effects to expect. These symptoms should disappear within a couple of days from getting the shot, and you can take over-the-counter pain relief, such as Tylenol, to ease any discomfort.

The reason the second shot is more uncomfortable than the first is that it is a sign that it is working. The first dose preps your immune system for the virus, and with the second dose your body is tricked into thinking COVID is present, so it goes on the offense. The symptoms from the second shot are just the natural results expected of your immune system fighting off any viral infection. Be reassured though, there is no actual virus in the vaccine, it can not cause a COVID-19 infection.


So when you go to get your second dose, be prepared to take it easy afterwards. Have some pain-relief nearby for the next day and let your body do its work. A couple days of discomfort is much more preferred than the potential danger or death that comes with COVID-19