Resident with her dog

The Benefits of Owning a Pet

Fluffy, slobbery, bundles of joy ~ yes, I’m talking about pets.  Many seniors own pets, whether it is a cat or dog, and pets provide a variety of benefits.  Both physical and mental wellbeing may be improved with owning a pet.

The first and foremost benefit is companionship. Especially in these current times when isolation is at an all-time high, having that constant presence around makes a world of difference. Owning a pet can create a comfortable routine and a great way to give your daily life structure. Pets are fantastic in being good listeners, great to snuggle with, and help with loneliness.

Studies have shown that having one of our fuzzy companions can have some healthy benefits, including relieved stress, lower blood pressure, stimulate the mind, and bring renewed interest in life.

And then there’s the dog walking. Going for regular walks with a dog, a study showed improvements in walking speed and distance, in addition to, a greater frequency of actually getting out and taking a walk, compared to individuals who walked with other human companions. This may lead to greater overall fitness and health. 

Our fuzzy companions come with many benefits, but most of all they make a great friends!


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